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Coming January 2025 - Nobody Cares What You Think


When you're working on an exhibit, one that involves writers AND artists, there's a whole lot of calendar work involved. For March 2023, I'm helping put together EVOLUTION OF WORDS & ART for the Charlotte Art League (charlotteartleague.org) and we already have our first deadline:  DECEMBER 1.  


That's the date writers should submit samples of their ekphrastic work - words inspired by a work of art or visual image. An ad hoc committee will pair 15 writers with 15 visual artists. Artists also have a December 1 deadline to submit work that they believe will inspire a writer to respond. 


I've had work in ekphrastic exhibits before, at Mooresville Arts and Ashe County Arts. It's a wonderful way to inspire new ways of looking at writing and making art. I'm hoping we get LOTS OF ENTRIES!

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